Frequently Asked Questions


IMGFOLDER is a database of free to download transparent PNG images by creators for creators. All our content is created and uploaded by our users. Anyone is able to contribute to IMGFOLDER.

How do I upload to IMGFOLDER?

In the header bar you will find an upload button. Uploading is only available to members of IMGFOLDER. The upload feature is enabled once we approve the user. This delay is there to prevent misuse.

What kind of content can I upload?

Please only upload images with transparent backgrounds. Images without transparent background will be rejected. Make sure you do not upload any copyrighted content. Innapropriate content will not be tolerated and will result in account termination. (Review our Terms of Service)

How much can I download?

To download we require you to be logged into your account. We allow free newbie members 2 downloads per day. You may increase this daily limit by leveling up your user tier. PREMIUM members have no daily download limits (upgrade here).

What are user tiers?

The IMGFOLDER user tier feature allows users to gain more out of such as increased daily download limits. Users can increase their tier level simply by contributing to the IMGFOLDER database. Each accepted transparent png image submission by a user goes towards leveling up.

Tiers Uploads Daily Downloads
1. Newbie 0-14 2
2. Contributor 15-49 4
3. Santa's Little Helper 50-199 8
and more!

How are images licensed?

All images on IMGFOLDER are user generated/uploaded. By default, images are only available for Personal Use. More information about licenses can be found in our Terms of Service.

I did not receive a verification email. What can I do?

Please check your spam inbox for the email. If the verification email is not there, please email our customer service at and we will sort it out.

How can I remove an image?

Please send us the link(s) for the images to be removed via email and we will take action as soon as possible.

I have a question. How can I reach IMGFOLDER?

Please use this link to email us directly.